Saturday, July 25, 2009

What a day!

Today was quite challenging in many ways and awesome in others. First thing this morning I wake up to find that Weston has yet again pooped on his rug. Ugh!! This is the second day in a row that I have had to shampoo his carpet. New house and his room smells horrible. We need to rip out that carpet as soon as he is potty trained. Then I am busy cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast when Ella yells "Someone pooped all over the rug down here". Seriously!? I went downstairs to find two huge pills of Weston poop. Apparently he had pulled shorts on after his first accident and didn't put on underwear. It's my fault that I didn't check and that I forgot to put him on the potty after breakfast, but the kid is going to be four in Oct. could he go on the potty this century...Please! So now I have to shampoo the WHOLE downstairs rug. When I start cleaning up toys I see that he has also pooped in other places but covered it up with train tracks which is a new trick of his. It doesn't usually work to hide the poop but just gets the train tracks full of it so that I have to throw them out. Ugh! While this is all going on I am also waiting for a phone call from Andy who was getting discharged from the hospital today. I finally get the carpet done just in time for the phone call. Thankfully the children were playing very nicely upstairs together so I was able to get the whole thing done. Before we left I quickly put the dishes in the dish washer and vaccumed our bedroom as well.

So I drop the kids off at my mom's house. Who isn't home, but thankfully my dad was so he took them. I picked Andy up from the hospital, dropped off his med script, dropped him off, and then went to pick up the meds and the kids. That all went fine. Then we came home. I decided to bring the kids to Buttonwoods Farm because they were having their annual Sunflowers for Wishes event which we go to every year and I take pics of the kids in front of the sunflowers. It is only right down the road so I knew Andy would be fine for a few hours.

We went to the event. We got some great shots of the kids in front of the sunflowers, took the hayride through the fields (which Weston loved ofcoarse), and got some ice cream (yummy). It was a great day. The kids were really well behaved and waited patiently. That makes all the difference. Well, a few days back I noticed that Ella's eye was looking weird. The eye lid was droppy and looked like a lazy eye. I had checked it and thought it was a bug bite because there appeared to be a bump on the eye lid. Well three days later it was still there, and with her smiling and squinting in the sun it made it more pronounced. So I was worring about it all day. When I got home and looked at the pictures on the computer I really started to get nervous. So I called my cousin who is a pediatrician because ofcoarse it is Sat. after hours and Sunday my pedi isn't on. Well my cousin wasn't home and wasn't answering her cell phone, so I tried my on call pediatrian. When I explained it to him he wasn't sure what it could be, so he said put a cold compress on it and give her benadryl just in case it is an allergy. I just didn't think that would help and I'm a person who stays calm and cool in these situations but I really was starting to freak out because I knew something was really wrong.

Finally my cousin called me back and by this time I had noticed that in the pictures her smile was crooked too and that is why she looked so weird in all of them. My cousin told me to make her shut both of her eyes, which I did, and I noticed that the eye I thought was the "good" one was not closing all the way (she had been claiming that the "good" eye was itchy too). Then she told me to look at the upper part of her lip and make sure it was in the middle. It wasn't...that too was moved to the side of her face. The eye that has the bells palsy was the eye I thought was the "good" eye! Apparently bells palsy is brought on by many things, but lyme disease could be one of them. I just pulled a tick off of Ella about six weeks ago. So I called the pediatrician back and they are seeing her at 10:30am tomorrow morning. Ugh! What a freakin' day! I didn't even eat dinner I was so stressed out and I'm still not hungry.

I'm hoping everything turns out o.k. tomorrow at the doctors. The sunflowers were a lot of fun today even with the worrying. All the proceeds go to the Make a Wish Foundation...Love it!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Nature Center

Today I packed up the children and our lunch and we took a trip to the Dension Nature Center in Mystic. I have heard a lot about this place in the past years and have been wanting to go. I wasn't sure if you had to pay or you could just use the trails, but it also said there was a museum so I figured "hey what the heck". So I paid the $18 to get in. I had heard such great things about the place I figured it must be worth it. Well, I think I may have missed a bunch of stuff because I didn't really find it to be all that wonderful. We toured the "museum" if you can even call it that. I mean what there was to see was mildly entertaining, but there wasn't much TOO see. The kids really wanted to go outside to see the owls and walk the trails, so we didn't stay long in the "museum".

When outside we went on the trail around the duck pond. I was told by the lady working that this was a great trail for the kids, and I believe she said with a lot to see. Well I have no idea where the "duck" pond got its name because there were no ducks, and I though this was a nature preserve? I saw a bird or to. The trail was very short (my kids had no problem completing it in two minutes). I was thinking "I paid $18 to walk in the woods?!" Then we went on another trail and I was realizing that the misquitos where out with full force in the middle of the day. Oh, at least we saw one animal! Well then Ella was saying she was itchy, so we took the short cut out of the woods. My god she got bit up!!! She was so busy taking pictures with my camera that she apparently didn't swat them away like Weston and I did. They are on her face and all up and down her arms. Poor kid was scraching so hard! We went over to the owls but only looked briefly because Ella was in misery and complaining. We decided to go in and see if they had any itch spray at the gift shop which they did not. I convinced her to go downstairs and watch the "movie". I was really determined to get some of my moneys worth. The "movie" was cute. It wasn't a movie, but it was an exhibit where you go into a dark room and it makes the sounds of animals at night and lights up what animals they are. Ella said she didn't like it because she was scared and Weston wasn't sure, but I thought it was cute and the best part so far. Then we looked around the "museum" a little more...It was better than I thought (still not worth the $ though).

After that Ella seemed to be feeling better so we went outside to have our picnic lunch near the center so that the mosquitos were not out. We were able to eat in peace and the kids played on the big rock formations. Ella asked if we could come back sometime, so apparently she really enjoyed it even with the bites and all. This promted me to go inside and ask about more information. I have heard such great things that I had to be missing something. I think the woman at the counter may have been new because she appeared to not know much. I ended up buying a membership because they took into account what you already paid. I figured if I pay the membership fee we can come back, full of bug spray, and do more of the hikes. They are great hikes for kids. Plus we could look into the other programs and get them at a reduced price (plus camp is reduced price) and it sounds like the programs are were the fun and cool stuff is offered. Apparently they are open year round and you get newsletters in the mail, so something to do on weekends in fall, winter, and early spring maybe!

We then went off to walk downtown Mystic. I figured we were already out that way we might as well make a day out of it. I figured the downtown Mystic walk may be boring for them, but I also knew that they enjoy boats and the ocean so maybe this would captivate them for a few more minutes. Wow! We sat on the dock for 30 min. just watching the water, the boats, and waiting for the drawbridge to open up! They were amazed at the bridge (to be honest so was I). While I worked in Mystic it was always a nuisance because it created traffic, but to sit and watch it was kind of interesting. I can't believe how high in the air it gets!

While sitting there I noticed that they give boat ride tours for $5 a person. Not bad at all, so I am keeping that in mind for next time. Maybe we can do the nature center in the AM, and boat tours afterwards. Maybe fit that seaport in there (free passes at the librauary).

After the bridge we went to drawbridge ice cream. Yummy! Then we came home. On the way we passed buttonwoods farm and saw that the sunflowers are starting to bloom...this weekend it is!!! Yay!!!

Last weekend was quiet. We hung around the house mostly. Kristin and Doug had a picnic at their house to celebrate Karis' christianing. The kids had fun in the kiddie pools.

Saturday we stayed at home...oh and made a trip to Home Depot. Friday I worked. Thurs. my sister took the kids in the AM so I could clean and we went grocery shopping in the PM. Basically four days of hanging out after keeping a busy schedule. Ella sat in front of the TV all weekend...sponge bob marathon! She must have felt deprived!

Weston has been SO obsessed with Tractors ever since I showed him the john deere tractor website. He is talking NON-stop about what tractors he is going to get Andy and he truely believes he is going to be able to buy them! We asked where he was going to get the money and he asked Andy "Daddy, where do you get the money at your work". Apparently he thinks you can just go to work and take money!! LOL!

Ella told me today that Mammy makes better egg sandwiches than I do and Daddy makes better pancakes. I gave her a look and said "I know you think everyone makes something better than mommy". She waited a few minutes and said "Mom, you make the best.....(had to think about it for a long time)....applesauce!" There is no hope for me! Poor kid!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The beach!

Today we got up early, packed a lunch, and our beach toys and went to meet Dianna, Adam, and Carly at the URI beach. We got lost a few times (well took wrong turns), but made it there in a little over an hour. What an awesome beach!!! You can park in a parking lot right on the beach. It is small and so kid friendly. Rocks to walk on, no waves, pretty clear. Perfect! As always Weston brought a huge bin of tractors and shovels. He played mostly with that but got brave and went in with the other children quite often. I was surprised. Ella and Adam instantly started to go off and play. I am always amazed at how quickly they fall back into being the bestest of friends. It's awesome to see. The kids did just about everything. They explored the beach, climbed rocks, swam, build sand castles, etc. The weather was perfect. It was only about 80 degrees which would have been hot inland, but because of the breeze off the ocean it was just right. I did however get a sunburn on my back. It feels good to have been out in the sun all day though. I even went in to the water to my thighs. The water was freezing though. Weston enjoyed me swishing him around in the water though. Oh and the views from this beach. Newport bridge (I think), Jamestown bridge (I think), boats, houses,..awesome! We decided to pack it up at about one o'clock. Dianna was concerned about her kids burning and Carly needed a nap. She had to help me get my car out of the parking lot because someone wedged in back of my car. Oh, and the ice cream man showed up before we left so the kids got ice cream again...lucky dogs!

We traveled home to relax for a while, but before we got here I stopped to get some corn and blueberries at Campbells Stand. When we got home I did a few things around the house like laundry, dishes, and then cooked 1/2 dozen cobs of corn. OMG!!! So delicious!! The kids and I each had two. Yummy!

Then it was off to swim class. I swear three weeks ago I went to swim class with a boy and he has turned into a fish!!! The child who hated to go underwater is now BEGGING to "do it again"!!! I am LOVING it!! He even wore his red sox hat to impress his swim instructor Nate (because Nate wore one last week). Too funny. Ella continues to do great as well. She was going all the way to the bottom of the pool underwater today.

Since it was Pa's birthday we stopped to wish him a happy birthday. We ended up eating dinner over there and having cake and ice cream. Kris, Scott, and Brady stopped by as well.

Another great summer day!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


This past Saturday was supposed to be a run around kind of day. We had lots of things to do. Weston woke me up around 4:30am with a fever though and didn't go back to sleep. He was very liabile until I got some motrin in him. We had already RSVP'd to Ella's friend Kyle's birthday party though and I knew Ella would be disappointed if we didn't go. Plus my mom had already said she would watch Weston for me and bring him to our second party, Taylor's graduation party.

Kyle had a party at skate-Inn. I brought my roller blades thinking I was going to have to skate with Ella. On the way there though I was very apprehensive about it. I think it has been seven or more years since I was on skates!! Thankfully I had the time of the party wrong and we got there a half hour early. So I strapped on Ella's new skates on her feet and my rollerblades on mine and we practiced. I didn't do all that bad, but I could tell we would have taken each other out if I had to skate with Ella. Thankfully she learned quickly and was able to skate on her own. I took off my skates when the parents arrived and didn't have to put them on after that at all. Phew...crisis averted!

Then we went to Taylor's graduation party. It was actually kind of nice. I new a few people there (other mom's from the school) and was able to talk to them. They had a DJ which made it a little difficult to hear anything. We stayed for a few hours. Weston still wasn't feeling well, but was able to enjoy himself anyway. We decided to skip the tractor race that Jake invited us to and the fireworks at Dorothy's house because Weston wasn't feeling well.

Sunday was a lay back kind of day. Weston's fever was gone but he started complaining about mouth pain. I looked and sure enough he had mouth sores. I assumed it was hand, foot, and mouth. I don't think we did much of anything this day. The kids played outside with Ella's barbies and Weston's tractors (I love when they play so nicely together). I had a pedicure (Love it) while Andy watched them. Oh, and we took Molly for a walk (the kids and I) what an adventure. I was so worried about her pulling the kids or getting in a fight with another dog that it really wasn't enjoyable at all!!! Molly and the kids did enjoy it though so I guess that is all that matters. Plus, it was exercise!

Monday, Weston seemed to be feeling much better. I did let him have soy ice cream for breakfast but he wasn't complaining about his mouth at all. So we went and bought bikes (I was only going to buy Weston a new one because he has really outgrown his tricycle, but Ella put out the water works and I couldn't say no). So they got bikes and we went to Hopeville to ride them. Weston fell twice and each time he said "I didn't want this bike" because he was so discouraged. Ella could have rode all day, but Weston was done half way through the second ride around the campground, so we packed up the bikes and made our way to the beach part. Ella went right in the pond and made a friend with a little girl named Grace. Weston stayed on the shore and ate lunch (priorities) and then played with his tractors and sand toys. He didn't go in the water much which is typical for him. Ella pretty much stayed in the whole time which is typical for her. It was a little chilly when the sun went in especially because the kids were wet. The kids then got ice cream from the ice cream truck that parks itself in the parking lot for a few hours. By this time I was starting to get a headache and become really bored. I should have brought a book, but then again Ella made me nervous out in the pond so I had to keep my eye on her at all times. I got Ella out of the pond and Weston was ready to go. When I got home I realized how tired I was and how bad this headache was getting. By the time 4:00pm rolled around I was in pain and nautious. Weston was crying to be picked up and when I did he fell aleep in my arms instantly. That is how the rest of the day went. All I could do was close my eyes and lay there. Thankfully Andy got out of work to come home and watch the kids. It was awful.

Today I worked ALL day. Which was kind of nice. I like to enjoy the kids, but it was nice to have all that time without them. Perspective! No headaches today..thank god. Weston's mouth seems to be much better, but then again I didn't have any time with him today.

Tomorrow hopefully the beach!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ella's birthday and today

Yesterday was Ella's "actual" birthday. I took a few hours off from work because I had to teach class at night and Andy also had to work, so I didn't want her to be left to babysitters for the whole day. Ella decided that she wanted to go to the children's museum, so that is where we went. We got there around 11:30 and wow was it packed! The kids had a blast playing. It was a little boring for me at first because I didn't have any other adults to talk to, but we ran into Toni and Sam and ended up staying longer than I was going to (three hours!!!) I was amazed at how well Weston could hammer in a nail at the play tool station! I think he was born to be a working man. The other fun things were the restaurant and the fish market. The kids both enjoyed waiting on me and cooking me food in the restaurant (and some stranger kids too). Weston would have played with the train table the whole entire time if I would have let him. I couldn't supervise both children at once in different areas. Both kids picked out a few toys at the gift shop. I don't know why I am such a sucker for these things. We then went to Burger King for dinner and ate inside (the kids favorite thing to do!!!) On the way home we got stuck in ANOTHER lightning storm and the sun roof to the car wouldn't shut so we had a small leak in a couple areas of the car. Then last night the kids went to my mom's for a few hours while I worked.

Today started off as a lazy day. It started off as another rainy day and then got HOT. We decided to get out of the house around two to run errands and go to the libraury. We went to the Canterbury libruary and played for a while as well as picked out books that are easy for Ella to read. They had a large dinosaur (as big as Weston) that the kids were playing with. While Weston was looking the other way I put it next to him and when he turned to look I said "Roar". He jumped so far. It was hysterical!!! LOL!!

Then we were off to swim class. Yay, the rain held off!!! The kids did SO awesome!! Weston was going under the water all the time. He LOVES his instructor Nate. He didn't even ask to get out once! It was so nice. Ella did great and learned how to use "pizza arms" (her arms in a triangle) under water. It's so great to see them blossom, learn, and be happy. I especially like sitting on the sidelines!!

Then we were off to Ella's t-ball pizza party. It was supposed to start at 5:00 at Lisbon Meadows Park and I knew we were going to be late. When we got there at 5:30pm no cars were to be found so we left. I am still unaware if we missed it or not. Hmmmm....

I took the kids to Slater Libruary after that to play the summer reading game. Both kids got two prizes and a book which they love. Weston didn't get to pick any prizes last time so he was happy. They also love to play with the puppets and pretend to put on puppet shows. I wish I could go hide out in the upstairs adult section among the books, but oh well! :)

Now we are home and the kids are in bed. Tomorrow is an early day because we have to go to Ali and Dave's house to watch the boys because they have meme's funeral to go to. I'm sure the kids will have a blast there.

Another successful day of staying sane with two crazy kids!

Monday, July 6, 2009


What a busy but awesome weekend we had!!! You just have to love summer, warm weather, picnics, good food, and refreshing! It started of on Saturday...the fourth of July! We went to Lisa and Scott's picnic. It was a graduation party for Jacob and a 16th birthday party for Thomas combined. At first I really didn't feel like going, but it ended up being a nice time. They created an adult slip and slide with a case of AJAX soap...OMG! I really didn't want Weston to go down it because it looked like there were a lot of rocks and people were getting soap in their eyes, but he really wanted to so I let him. He had a blast!! Usually he is the cautious kid, but he got right in there and slid down on his belly. He was so tiny that it acted like a waterslide and he went so fast. It was so cute to watch him. Ella had gone with Kris and Brady to their house to go swimming. I had a fun time chatting with Missy and Courtney Smiley. It was a good day. We left to come home to get ready for Ella's birthday party and see if we could locate Molly who went missing that morning.

Sunday was Ella's princess/ballerina/cars party...OH Vey! Good news was that the house was already nice and clean and I had already done some of the cooking. I am trying to go low maintanence with my birthday parties now. I am all about the deli meat and sandwiches that you can put out before the party starts and be done with the food! While setting up for the party Missy Berry's brother and his wife came by and told us they saw a sign a few houses down that read "Found dog" and there was a German Shepard in the yard. Molly!!! So I took off down the road and sure enough there she was making her a new home! The people brought her to a picnic and then were about to take her to another picnic. They bought her food and treats. I almost felt bad taking her home! She didn't want to come home anyway because she was trying to get in their car.

So anyway Molly made the day. Ella's friends showed up along with the family. It was so adorable to see little girls running around with princess costumes on! We had a pinata which was just crazy because the kids were running for candy and there were SO many kids! Not enough candy apparently. The girls made necklaces out of beads, the boys played baseball. I had Danay make the cake so I could take that off my list (anything to make it easier). Ella got a boat load of presents. It was a good party. Then I had told her that her cousins could sleep over, so last night Nathan, Neely, and Megan stayed over. Katie and Matt made it to 10:00pm and then went home. I am so tired!!!

Today we woke up and the kids hung out for a few hours before Missy came and picked them up. Then Weston went down for a nap at 10:30am (so tired). I had to wake him up at 12:30 to eat and go to the dentist for a cavity filling. The dentist wasn't able to get it though without risking traumatizing him, so we have to make an appointment for the children's dental association. Ugh! Afterwards though we did some errands and then went to Hopeville Park to take Ella and Weston biking and practice Ella's new roller skates out. The kids did great biking. Ella was really frustrated with the skates and Weston was going to far ahead that it was making me nervous, so we decided to walk the wooden paths to the beach. Now I am extra tired because I had to carry Weston some of the way.

When we got back to the car I decided to take the kids to Buttonwoods Farm. Weston's favorite part of the day was seeing the tractor bailing the hay. We had some yummy ice cream and came home for the evening. I really need to go to bed because I am (again) exhausted and have a splitting headache!

Another great three days. Tomorrow we are off to the Children's Museum for Ella's "real" birthday. It is supposed to rain again but atleast we had three really nice days. Summer!!! LOVE IT!!

Friday, July 3, 2009


Although this summer hasn't seen much of that thing called the "sun" it has still been quite a lot of fun. The day Ella got out of school this year we picked her up, went to get ice cream, and then went to the pool (one of the few sunny days). We've gone to the libruary a few times. Summer reading programs rock! Fun, educational, and indoors!!! Ella and I have also made flashcards of her sight words to prepare her for first grade. She is doing really well! The other day while sounding out words she accidently said "cunt" instead of "cut". Yicks! I almost spit out my coffee!

On Monday, June 22nd (I think that was the date) we went to our friend Mary's beach house at Groton Long Point and hung out there. This was not such a great day weather wise, but we still had a blast! The kids loved playing in the sand. Weston drove his trucks. Ella build sand castles and collected sea shells. Perfect for both of them! Ella was even brave enough to go in the water. Brrrr!!! It was overcast in the morning, but warm enough to be outside in short sleeves. We then went to the playground. Here is was cold and started to rain a little. The wind was crazy all of a sudden. I think it was just the location of the playground. The kids didn't notice, still in their wet suits they were running around playing on everything they could. Ella just hoped from one thing to another without stopping. Her favorite thing was the big tower of ropes that she climbed up on and "could see the whole playground". We went in for lunch after that and had a nice time with Mary's mother and sister, and Mary ofcoarse. My kids were picky and didn't eat much of anything though. They just wanted to go back outside to play which we eventually did, but by then it was raining significantly so we decided to pack up and leave.

On Monday, June 29th we went to Southwicks zoo in Menden, MA. I had planned to just take them to the children's museum to get them out of the house, but by surprise my friend Jasmine called and wanted to get together. She mentioned that she would love to go to the Southwicks zoo and I've been wanting to go there for years now, so we decided to go for it! The directions were straight-forward and it appeared to be right off the highway. I calculated that it would take me about 40 minutes. Oh vey, is that a long way off the highway!!! 30 minutes of back roads later we finally got there...about 1/2 hour late. Thankfully Jasmine knew we were going to be late and was a little late herself. It may have taken a while to get there, but SO worth it. What an awesome place! We first saw the elephant show. That animal is older than I am! Then we went and saw the lions, tigers, and leopard (my favorite animals of the day). After that we stopped at a playground. The kids had a blast playing on the zip cord thing and took turns. Weston loved the HUGE sand box. Then the kiddos spotted the sky line, a ride that looks like a sky lift, and wanted to go on that. So we started our journey of trying to find it without a map. The Ella's were very impatient about this part, but the things we saw on the way were not to be overlooked. They have a deer park where you go into a fenced off area and feed the deer. They come right up to you and eat out of your hands. It was so amazing. I loved this part as well, so did the kids. We FINALLY made our way to the sky line and it started to rain. Thinking we would be o.k. because they have roofs on them we decided to go on. The girl almost didn't let Weston board because you have to be 42 inches tall (and he is far away from that), but she was nice enought to let him pass when I begged. Really, can you imagine...we had just spent atleast 30 minutes hearing about how much they wanted to ride the skyline I didn't want to hear about it if we couldn't. Well as soon as we got on the skyline the heavens decided to open up and we were drenched (our pants anyway...the roof kept the top halves of us dry for the most part). The kids really enjoyed the ride though. After the sky line we found the petting zoo. Here you could feed goats and sheep which we attempted to do, but almost got stampeeded by the animals once they saw us putting money into the machine. Yicks! Those horns and hooves hurt!!!! The kids still had fun petting the animals....well that was until Weston got knocked down by one. He was a little afraid after that. At the end of our day the kids got to ride on a camel and an elephant!!! It was kind of pricey but so worth it. How often do you get to ride on a camel or elephant when you live in the U.S.! What a great day. Both kids fell asleep on the way home...I almost did too!

Today we had to stay home and wait for the cable guy to finish installing our cable, but Keri came down with Emily and Danny. It was so cute to see Emily in her purple dress, purple tiara, ring, and wings as Ella was prancing around in her ballerina costume. They went outside and played with the riding cars. Weston had to dive to the ground when Emily was driving because she almost ran him and Danny over! That girl is one crazy driver!! After the cable guy left we went to McDonalds and brought the food over Kris's house to go swimming. Weston LOVES to jump off the side of the pool while holding onto me. It's really the only thing he enjoys about the pool. Ella is a fish and would stay in all day, but we had to pack up because yet again we heard thunder and felt sprinkles. It was still fun though. The rest of the day consisted of shopping for Ella's sixth birthday celebration. I forgot it was the 3rd of July...oh vey! The grocery store was packed and the kids were a complete handful. I hate shopping experiences like this!

I forgot to mention that on the first Thurs. of summer vacation we went over my friend Erica's house and played with Emma and Niklas. Ella came down with a funky hairdo that Emma apparently created. Girls are too funny. This was also a nice time. It's so good to have adult conversation and entertainment for the children. It is how I am keeping my sanity during these "summer" months and all the rain!