Saturday, December 24, 2011

Something about Christmastime

Well it isn't summer, although the tempature is pretty close. It definetly doesn't feel like Christmas eve. We are however approaching another Christmas rapidly. As I ask myself every year, where does the year go? I was looking back at pictures from Christmas 2007 and I am astonished that it was four years ago. I guess I will have to get over how time keeps speeding up and the kids keep getting older, and cherish every moment we have and celebrate the new stages.

This is my favorite day of the year. It was a huge holiday tradition throughout my childhood and I love to see the excitement on my children's faces. I even got really excited when I tracked Santa a few minutes ago. He is in figi! There is nothing like seeing the glow of smiling, happy children.

merry Christmas Eve!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Half way!

Really? July 25th already? Where oh where does the summer go every year? Well, I haven't been writing. Not because we haven't been having a good summer, but because I have an old school journal at home and well summer has been buuusssssyyyy! My last week of summer school is this week, but I still have two papers due. One of which I am avoiding doing right as we speak!

So what have we been doing? Ella did her first overnight camp this year. She loved it! It was only a half week program (Teddy Bear Picnic) and we all wished that she had the stayed a full week (LOL). That was the week of the 4th. She missed Fourth of July with us. :( Every since she was in my belly she I have dressed her to the nine on Independence Day and most years (even nine months pregnant). This year she chose that week though because it was her birthday week. So we went to the parade and to Missy and Joe's house afterwards without Miss Ella. It was still fun. Weston loved the large combine and all the tractors. Lately, he is also into tractor trailer trucks for some reason. He likes to count them on the highway. LOL!

Speaking of Ella's birthday what a day! Her actual birthday I had to work and had school, but I left work early to spend a few hours with her. My sister, Brady, Weston, Ella, and I went to the Dinosaur Place in Montville. The kids have been dying to go for years but it is so expensive for what they offer. Don't get me wrong it is a nice place. They have a splash park, trails, playground, maze, and lots of other things to look at but for almost $20 each... It was a nice day though. HOT!!! I went to school very sweaty that night.

Her birthday party was here this year and we got ponies! Which were a big hit with her friends. It was a nice day. The next day her friend Ava called and invited her to her birhtday party. Ella was very excited and I was happy for her. She was upset at not being invited to many parties this year. Plus, she was driving me crazy that day so I got five free hours while she had fun!

We have been to the beach a couple of times. Once with Laura, Molly, and Ryan. Another time with Missy and nine kids in all!!!! Ella's friend Ava came along. Nine kids is way too many to supervise. Thankfully we had two eyes and soem of them were older and good swimmers.

The kids have slept over my in-laws house twice this summer and went to the beach both times. We also have done the summer reading program again. Which is always fun. Last week was Vacation Bible School. Unfortunetly, Weston never stayed. Which was weird because he loved it last year. Oh well. Ella had a blast. Last Friday was their little production. I love that program.

Ella is at Day Camp this week (My favorite Color is Pink). Which means Weston and I get to chill out (and hopefully write some papers!). Today we went to the library and he played the game. They had reserved a bunch of tractor books for him from other libraries so we had to go pick them up. We also brought Mack to the vet for shots and Weston got his hair cut.

I am hoping that next week Weston will do Farm camp. I've been telling him about it all summer so I have to follow through. It is only a half day program and goes from Monday to Thursday. I had hoped to get them both out of the house at the same time, but sometimes it is nice to have only one at a time and spend some special time with them.

I cannot wait for summer school to be over so I can enjoy the month of August and read for FUN!!!! Yippee!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Here again!

Here we are again! I'm in denial. Today while driving I realized that I am in spring break mode rather than summer vacation mode. I'm trying to avoid thinking about the kids being with me 24/7 for the next 10 weeks. As always though I will be making the most of our time together and by the time September rolls around I will be sad to see them go back to school (and a little happy too).

Well we started off with a bang this summer. I had Brady on Friday and he was having a tough time with Lizzie getting all the attention, so while Kris and Scott went to her graduation we went to Chuck E. Cheeses. Fun! Really. It was! My kids really loved it. We hadn't been there since Ella's birthday party last year. Ella didn't even care about the rides anymore. That girl was on a mission to get as many tickets as she possibly could. 381 tickets for her! Once she found a machine that produced the most tickets she stayed there. We may have a a gambler on our hands! Weston loved playing the games too. Brady loved the pizza and the ice cream...and then wanted to leave after that, but he was a trooper and stayed for another hour while the other kids used thier tokens up. That night we hosted a mock awards ceremony were the kids got certificates for the accomplishments they did over the year. I think the kids loved it. Ella got an award in her class for being the classes star reader! Woohoo! I'm so proud of my girl!

Saturday the kids and I went to Lake Compounce since we had free tickets! Free parking, free admission, free soda all day, and a free dinner. Can't beat that!!! The kids had a blast! Mostly they loved the water park. Ella loves her waterslides and water rides. That part was a little scary since it is hard to keep an eye on both kids at once. The rest of the day was spent with Laura, Tommy, Molly, Julio, Katie, and Junior. It worked out well because Weston could go on the kiddie rides with the other little kids. Ella definetly thought she was way too old and cool for those rides. While Ella and I went on a roller coaster, Weston stayed with the others. I came back and Laura apologized for traumatizing him. Apparently he wanted to go on the mini "drop" ride were you sit in seats and they drop you. He wanted to do it, but was terrified when he got up there. Later we went by the adult version and he said "I wouldn't do that!" It was just a great day all around. I felt refreshed from being in the sun all day and having fun with the kids.

Yesterday we stayed at home. It was fathers day. Unfortunetly Andy had to work most of the day, but we worked in the yard mulching the front flower bed. I woke up sore this morning. The good kid of sore! I also woke up at seven today which is sleeping in for me! It was great!

Today, we went grocery shopping in the morning. I did a little school work in the afternoon. Then Ella wanted to do something and she asked to go to the aquarium. I caved because I thought the library had a free pass. Unfortunelty, it was only a discounted pass and I still spend $57. Ugh! Then an additional $3 each for the 4d movie theater. Ofcoarse Ella wanted something at the gift shop. I made her spend most of her own money. It was still fun...well except for when Weston peed his pants and when I say pee picture a bucket of water pouring into his shoes and on the floor. I used all the changes of clothes I had for him in the car on Saturday's trip to Lake compounce because we were soaking wet when we came out of there. So I did like any good mother and let him walk around like that. LOL! He didn't care and after paying that much money I wasn't willing to leave, neither was Ella. The 4D movie was cool. The penguins were cute. The beluga whale tried to eat us through the glass. Afterwards we had to stop at Drawbridge Ice Cream. We HAD to. While in Mystic it is a must. Oh yum it is so good.

So that was our summer so far. Tomorrow is school and work all day, so we'll see what Wednesday brings!