Tuesday, July 17, 2012


The kids started Vacation Bible School again yesterday. It was supposed to start on Sunday, but I completely forgot and thought it started on Mondays. Weston was nervous to go again. He asked Ella if they would be in the same group and she agreed that she would stay with him after he pleaded with her "Ella will you please help me not miss mom." He stayed the whole time and really enjoyed himself. When I picked them up he kept saying the word "butt crack" in sentences. I asked him if he had said that in church and he replied "Just once, but don't worry no one heard me...no one but God." The kid cracks me up even if he is a little bugger. Yesterday we had Weston's GI appointment in the morning which went well. Then Ella had a pool party at her friend Morgan's house in the afternoon. I would have forgotten about that if I hadn't looked at my calendar. Thank god I did because I needed a few hours without one of the kids. This past weekend we had the outdoor movie night over the Williamson's house for CF. The kids had a blast!!!! They both knew kids there and played on the trampoline, tree house (which freaked Andy out), the pool, and roasted hot dogs on the fire. Then they watched Chipwrecked on the outdoor projector. Fun times!

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